Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Swing Bridge

Our bridge was flexible and easy to move.

It was meant to sway with the wind and easy to construct.

The worst thing about it was it would hold the weight but it would collapse inwards.

This type of bridge is only for people and small loads over a little area.

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Party's on the beach,
Brings a smile of joy to all,
Sun shining all day.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Our bridge

It is one of the most common bridges these days and it was the best and strongest bridge we could think of at the time.

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Fast Food

Fast Food          



Makes my mouth water



Friday, September 7, 2012

Cultural festival

The day had finally come when we had to perform in front of a crowd of thousands of people.As I led my line onto the stage, I had butterflies in my stomach.
When we arrived at the CBS arena with the rest of the school,I already had butterflies in my stomach, as I knew that we had to perform. Other schools had already performed before us but when one of the crew members had called us to the sound proof,room my nerves shot up like a cheetah catching its prey. As they led us out to the stage,I was trying to get all the nerves out of my body. We were after the wearable arts the host called our school onto the stage,As i led my line onto the stage the butterflies had just suddenly disappeared,and I knew it was our turn ,when Joseph had just finished leading his Haka, I knew it was my turn,to lead my Haka after I finished my Haka and Tahemaka finished his,it was time for the girls to shine.After our performance everyone was feeling confident about themselves,and if I could I would do it again.
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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Statistical investigation graphs

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Our statistical investigation was how many shots can boys and girls get in 2 minutes.

The type of graph i created was a collum graph.

The results show that boys and girls can shoot the same amount of shots 
in 2 minutes.